Friday 30 November 2018

The Waka travel

Dear ........
I'm sending this letter to you from farr farr away way back in Australia

I have my bags and canned food untieing the rope on this wooden pole I junp on the boat terrified and scared, trying to think happy I have my compass in my hands. Three days later I see a little island hoping they have food I can eat, I ran out of food! I arive at the tiny little island luckily they have food and also luckily I brought some money but only five dollars at least I am almost at my destination. Once I ate I went sailing to.........
New Zealand! almost there almost there! The next day at 3.24 am in the morning ''I see it I see it" I say in excitement! I hop on the dock and tie the boat tight and lay on the sand...........
I wake up and check my watch it's 2.15 "have I really bean asleep that longoh boy! well at least I am here!

Wednesday 21 November 2018

How to make a math quiz

How to make a math quiz.

  1. Click on google chrome and on your bookmark click on google drive.
  2. Click on the plus button/new on the top left corner then click on google slides.
  3. Click on untitled presentations and make a title, then write your title on your first slide.
  4. Then click the tiny plus button in the top left corner and go on the new slide you just made.
  5. Click on the box on that slide and write your first math question
  6. Then click the T button on the left middle corner. Then make the text box by dragging it with your two fingers.
  7. Then make a couple of text boxes the same way you just did. Then write one right answer and the rest wrong.
  8. When you want to link something press on the thing you want to link then ctrl k then this thing will come up the look near the bottom of it and click link then this other thing will pop up and the press link slides then another thing will pop up then press onto what slide you want to link it to.
  9. Keep doing that until you have done at least 4 or more questions.

Tuesday 20 November 2018

Maui and his big fish facts

Today we read about Maui's fish. Here are the interesting facts I discovered

Fact one: Maui always wanted to go fishing with his brothers but they never let him.

Fact two: So he hid in their canoe without them knowing.

Fact three: The brothers noticed that the canoe was heavier so they started arguing about who was making it heavier.

Fact four: Maui revealed that he was there to the brothers and surprised them!


Monday 19 November 2018

Science M&Ms experiment

WALT write instructions on google slides
 It was hard not to spill the water on the ground!

Wednesday 7 November 2018

you've got the power poem!

Do you hate bullying?!!
I do too!
If you are a bully, be the real you!
We know your hiding something!
Don't be afraid
it shouldn't have been made

This is why you have no friends!
everyone just tries to defend!
Punching, Kicking bullying about
you're kicking everybody out!

You can stop now or you could make your life miserable! REMEMBER.........

Clara Cook

The gunplot

Mystery Math

This is the math quiz I made go check it out!
WALT make a math quiz.

Monday 5 November 2018

Surface tension

WALT write instructions
I enjoyed watching the science experiment
I found it challenging trying not to sneeze because of the pepperšŸ˜©