Thursday 16 April 2020

Matariki News Report

This week we were told to do a report on the story of the stolen stars/ Matariki. We basically had to make a video and edit it and put it all together so we have a video where we act like we are on the news and we are making a report about this story as if it had happened in real life. I really enjoyed this activity because I have never done anything like this before and It was pretty interesting because the whole putting it together thing and editing it was really challenging.


  1. Great work Clara, it looks like you had a great time! I like how you acted out the story to give us more detail. Maybe next time you could set yourself up at the beginning and end so it looks like you're in a news room.
    Keep up the great work!

  2. Hi Clara, Harper here from Bubble one. I think you did very good. My favourite part was you saying the news because you made it funny. You could make it BTB by talking a bit slower.


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