Friday 24 April 2020

Round numbers including decimals to the nearest whole number

This week one of our math activities is to round numbers including decimals to the nearest whole number. We had to basically play a maths board game and we had to see how many ways you could find a way to the finish by only using odd numbers from the original numbers. For me, this was challenging because it took a very long time to write down in my book what all the decimal numbers where as whole numbers.


  1. Wow Clara, well done on this.It would have taken me awhile too. You did a great job figuring this out. I like that you didn't give up on this because it was challenging, good on you. Once you got your head around what to do, did it become easier? Keep up the good work. Sharron

  2. Great work Clara! I don't think everyone read the instructions and write down the decimals in their books first so well done! Maybe you could create one yourself and then challenge a friend to complete it?


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